15 MAR 2015
Common Chinchilla Ailments
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Chinchillas | Veterinary News
Chinchillas are popular small pets in South Africa, but by virtue of being housed and caged in our homes vets will often see some recurring problems in their clinics. Some of the more common issues vets will see include; Dental disease Chinchilla’s have continuously growing teeth. They need to grind both the incisors and cheek teeth by eating high fibre diets. They may often be presented with swellings around the face and mouth, drooling saliva, anorexia and weight loss. If you see any of these problems, check the dental anatomy, looking for spurs, bleeding cheeks/gums and swellings along the mandibular jaw line. Vets will use lateral, oblique and dorso-ventral x-rays to look for abnormal changes. A great resource for comparing normal and abnormal dental anatomy for vets is ‘Clinical Radiology of Exotic Companion Mammals’. Gastrointestinal disease As with all fibrevores, digestive diseases are particularly common, with constipation, dia.. [More] chinchilladentaltreatment.jpg
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05 SEP 2014
Preventing Sludge In Rabbits
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Veterinary News
Sludge in rabbits is a frustrating urinary problem affecting rabbits of all breeds, ages, and both sexes. As a vet it can be difficult to treat, and sadly despite intervention, frequently recurs. Get our 3 essential treatments and 4 ways to prevent. Signs – rabbits can be presented with sludge in a number of ways, and not all of them together. Check our list to see how many you would spot. Thick urine – rabbit urine is high in calcium carbonate, and in rabbits suffering from sludge, the sediment is thick and ‘sludgy’. The urine can take on the appearance and texture of thick smooth toothpaste. Frequent urination – affected rabbits will often attempt to urinate more often, and not always in the same place. Straining to urinate – the obstruction of the urine outflow from the bladder by the thick creamy deposit can make for difficulty in expression. Constant attempts akin to an animal with cons.. [More] cutegreyrabbit.jpg
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02 SEP 2014
Signs of Rodent Respiratory Disease
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Guinea Pigs | Bedding | Veterinary News | Hamsters | Rats and Mice
How well do you know the signs of rodent respiratory disease? Read our guide and the 7 must know treatments. Respiratory infections in rodents are common, primarily in rats, mice and guinea pigs. We rarely see respiratory issues in gerbils and degus. Check you know how to spot the signs and what to do. Signs of respiratory problems Weight loss – always make sure you check the weight of small mammals in the clinic. Do you have mini-scales capable of weighing to the nearest gram? Loss of appetite or anorexia – check how much has been eaten, not just how much is fed/offered. Poor coat condition – look for a dry, matted, clumped, scurfy or greasy coat. Discharge from eyes or nostrils – often seen as a red discharge. This colour change is the result of porphyrin pigments. Sneezing – has the owner noticed a watery, purulent or bloody discharge? Br.. [More] guineapigandgirl.jpg
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15 AUG 2014
Gut Stasis In Rabbits - A Big Challenge
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Veterinary News
Gut stasis is the number one motility disorder of rabbits and is a potentially deadly condition in which the digestive system slows down or stops completely. Bad bacteria then builds up in the intestines and releases gas into the system, causing very painful bloating and further decreasing a rabbit’s motivation to eat or drink. This compounds the problem because the rabbit will become more dehydrated and starved of essential nutrients and roughage. The contents of the digestive tract will become more compact, and the rabbit will have an even more difficult time passing it through. The bacteria can also release toxins into the system which overtax the liver and can cause the organ to ultimately fail. Motility Disorders - Some essential facts A rabbit not eating will develop hypomotility Reduced gut movements will cause anorexia Gastric stasis causes dehydra.. [More] rabbit in arms-of-vet.jpg
Tags : Gut Stasis In Rabbits - The Big Challenge , Pet Rabbits South Africa , Rabbit Care South Africa , Rabbit Food South Africa , Online Pet Store South Africa , Online Pet Shop South Africa Comment 0 Comments
15 JUN 2014
Are Oats Healthy For Small Animals?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Hamsters | Guinea Pig Food | Rabbit Food | Hamster Food | Veterinary News
Oats been called the super food of the world from reducing asthma risk, control appetite hormones, part of gluten free diet, improve insulin….etc. In recent case, it is used more frequently as a supplement for small animals – providing necessary fattening agent and nutritional benefits. Unknown to many, rolled oats are steamed groats that have literally been rolled out and flattened, with the bran (nutritional part) discarded. When most people think of “oats,” they’re thinking of rolled oats. The main problems with oats are the phytic acid and the avenin, a protein in the prolamine family (along with gluten from wheat, rye, and barley, and zein, from corn). As far as phytic acid (or phytate) goes, oats contain less than corn and brown rice but about the same amount as wheat. Phytate has the tendency to bind minerals and prevent their absorption. So, even if a grain is rich in minerals, the presence of phytate prevents their full absorpt.. [More] rolledoats.jpg
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06 JUN 2014
Fibre Facts & Definitions
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Chinchillas | Guinea Pig Food | Rabbit Food | Veterinary News
Fibre facts: Fibre is the most important ingredient in rabbit food. It is essential for normal wear of teeth. So much so that FEDIAF state “For the health and well-being of a rabbit good quality hay should be fed at all times”.   Daily fibre intake is essential to the rabbit to maintain normal: gut function dental wear fermentation in the caecum. Fibre comes mainly from plant cell walls. Plant cell walls containing lignin, cellulose and silicate phytoliths are also important for salivation and dental health. Plant cell walls consist of polysaccharides associated with; glycoproteins phenolic compounds acetic acid lignin Fibre definitions: Digestible fibre – a young growing plant cell has primary cell walls, which contains fermentable or digestible fibre. This fibre supports caecal fermentation. Indigestible fibre – older plants develop secondary cell walls, which cons.. [More] rabbitseatinggrass.jpg
Tags : Fibre Facts On Pet Food Labels , Fibre Facts & Definitions , Pet Rabbit Food South Africa , Chinchilla food South Africa , Pet Guinea Pig food South Africa , Timothy Hay South Africa , Teff Hay , Rabbit Hay , Comment 0 Comments
17 MAY 2014
Guinea Pig Ovarian Cysts
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Veterinary News
With all the cats and dogs filling up veterinary practice waiting rooms, there’s often less time to think in depth about the ailments of guinea pigs and other small mammals. But fortunately, common problems such as ovarian cysts have clear symptoms and, in most cases, can be treated swiftly and effectively. What are the signs of ovarian cysts? Ovarian cysts often strike when female guinea pigs have passed their first birthday. The ovarian follicles can fail to release an egg, causing discomfort and stress. Within the field of guinea pig medicine, this can also be linked to cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Common symptoms include: Swollen abdomen (creating abdominal pain for the guinea pig) Loss of appetite, sometimes leading to anorexia Hair loss on abdomen (alopecia) Generally off-colour Apparent infertility (often noted if the animal is owned by a breeder) Risks of ovarian cysts If left.. [More] guinea pig ovarian cysts blog.jpg
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12 MAY 2014
Rabbit Dental Treatment Tips
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Veterinary News
Rabbit dental problems can develop within three months of birth and are often related to poor nutrition; particularly lack of fibre. Fibre is found in abundance in hay and grass, which requires chewing – and thereby acts to wear down the teeth. Without this, teeth become elongated and troublesome. If your are a vet, then here are 5 top dental treatment tips for rabbits. Signs to look out for: Anorexia Weight loss Saliva drooling from the mouth Hair around the base of the incisors Ridges in the enamel of the incisors Pain (often noted with grinding teeth) Diagnosing dental disease in rabbits Check for the visible signs above Take a closer look with for example, an otoscope, auroscope, rigid endoscope or oral speculum) When indicated, use a general anaesthetic to allow a thorough investigation. Most importantly, at this stage, take x-rays.. [More] spotting dental disease in rabbits.jpg
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11 MAY 2014
Guinea Pig Muesli Ban in UK
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Guinea Pigs | Veterinary News | Guinea Pig Food | Pet Care | Bunny Nature
Many people think that muesli-type foods are enough to give their guinea pigs but in truth, they are not. Muesli is also referred to as dry mix or mixture foods and pellets are also called nuggets. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion regarding muesli diets, and there is now a campaign to ban this type of pet food from pet stores in UK.   Most of the cheaper brands are flashy. These are the foods we want to buy because they look good and taste good to guinea pigs, but unfortunately they are the ones to stay away from. These muesli type foods are usually a mixture of pellets, colourful pieces (flakes or pellets), nuts, seeds, and/or fruit bits. Muesli mixes have also been known to contain pieces of twig, stone and other harmful items. The seeds and nuts in muesli are high in fat. Often times the mixtures include sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds in the shell are dangerous, not just because of high fat content, but because the shells splinter into sharp pieces that c.. [More] guinea pig eating muesli.jpg
Tags : Guinea Pig Muesli Ban in UK , Guinea pig food South Africa , Muesli Bad Guinea Pigs , Muesli versus pellets , muesli verus nuggets , Guinea Pig Pellet food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
20 APR 2014
Revolutionary Bedding & Litter
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Bedding | Veterinary News | Pet Care
In South Africa we all enjoy warm weather. But with this warmth comes a problem we all know too well – fleas, mites and flies. Unfortunately many pets succumb, and rabbits and small furries are no exception. With smaller pets living in hutches and small enclosures, the bedding and litter material can often contribute to the problem by providing an ideal environment to help propagate their life cycles.   Burgess Pet Care is pleased to announce a revolutionary new product, Excel Bedding and Litter. It’s also highly fluid and odour absorbent, long lasting, biodegradable and easy to clean, and is therefore truly fit for purpose. This unique bedding helps prevent flea, mite and fly infestations as it contains an added natural biocide that interferes with the exoskeleton of insects, thereby killing them through dehydration. This has considerable health and welfare benefits as it reduces the risk of fly strike and pododermatitis. Excel Bedding and.. [More] ExceLbeddingBLOG.jpg
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